Thursday, March 5, 2009

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Frank LOVES to go for car rides. Today I was working on him riding in the back of the vehicle without having to be put in a cage. The last several times I have put him in the car, he would always jump over the backseat and want to sit on the seat. Well, I could not have him doing that because Mackenzie's car seat is on the backseat. So my goal was to get him to ride comfortably in the back of the vehicle without being restrained or having to put the cage back there. The first few times we worked on it today, he wanted to jump to the front. After a couple of times, however, he decided it was best to stay in the back. He did great and rode free in the back all the way to the park. He would also lay down when I told him to. He was very pleasant to ride in the car with. He will also wait at the car door until he is told it is ok for him to get in.