Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lucy "Heel"

Lucy is doing great with "heel" and "come on". Heel is a command that means stay by my left side, whether that be walking or standing still. Lucy is also learning to sit automatically after we stop walking. This command is great when you need more control over Lucy, such as in traffic situations or walking in the park with other people and dogs. "Come on" is a much more relaxed command. In this command, Lucy is only required to stay close when we are walking. She is not required to be on the right or left, but only to be paying attention to where I am. This command is helpful when you are just in the yard and you want her to freely walk around with you. Currently, Lucy is walking without the assistance of the leash. The leash is still attached at this point, but is only dragging behind her. The leash is only there to guide her if she gets confused about what I am asking her to do.