Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lucy Begins

Lucy is a very interesting dog. She is very sweet, but not very affectionate. She is very smart, but also seems confused. She had the life of a breeding/kennel dog before you came to rescue her. It seems she is still really trying to figure this new life out. I can see that there is a lot of intelligence in her, but I am just trying to get her to trust me at this point. We have started things pretty slow with her. Some commands she picked up on very quickly and others are a bit more challenging. She is doing great with the "place" command in the house. She is also learning to walk with me pretty well (although this is one thing she did well to begin with). She is having more difficulty with sit and down. We have incorporated some treats to help with this and it seems to be working some. Again, there is still that lack of trust with her. She likes me, she just doesn't seem to trust me...yet. I do feel this will turn around. We will continue to work and I hope to see some major progress over the next few days. So far, she is learning "place", "heel", "come on", "sit", "down", and "stay".