Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rajah Progressing

Rajah had a very good training session today. We worked a lot on sit and down-stay. We also did more heeling work, now adding some distraction. I had Rajah "heel" while I was pushing Mackenzie in her little car. A week ago, this would never have happened because he was WAY too uncomfortable with Mackenzie and any other strange movement. He did very well with this exercise. He is now only dragging a 4 foot leash when I let him outside or work with him. I have very good control over him without holding the leash. We are still using a good bit of treats to reinforce his behaviors, but they will soon be weaned out. Today, I made Rajah perform a sit-stay while I fed the goats and Baxter, our livestock guardian. He did very well with this. He did get a little distracted a couple of times, but before today, this exercise was not possible. He has come a long way in the last couple of days. He is a smart dog and I knew he had it in him. It is just going to take consistency to make these good behaviors continue. He is a cute dog, and with that, he can sucker you into not following through with commands. You must follow through with each command that is given so that he will not return home and take advantage of you.