Monday, September 14, 2009

Finn's training

Finn is doing well with his training. He is dragging a line behind him as we are getting him more consistent with his off-leash training. He is working on sit and down stay, heel, come, and place. We have also been trying to work with his submissive urination. That has been quite a challenge the first week. We did purchase for him a "belly band" which is sort of like a male dog diaper so that when he is in the house and we do not have to worry about him tinkling everywhere. This works really well. Along with this, we are trying to teach him NOT to immediately roll and pee every time someone walks by. We are doing this by giving him treats BEFORE he rolls hoping that this will change his automatic response of peeing. If he thinks a treat is coming, he will be focused on the treat, rather than reacting in the submissive way he has been used to. We are also, trying to utilize the "place" command hoping that by giving him this command, along with the treats, it will RE-FOCUS him onto doing something positive rather than the negative reaction of urinating. We have solicited other trainers advice that have dealt with dogs like Finn and have been given lots of great methods to try with him. We will continue to work with him in all areas and hopefully we can make some good progress on his submissive urination. The pictures show Finn in a down-stay, sit-stay, and place, with and without distraction (the cat). Come to think about it, that is probably what I should have named that cat! LOL