Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Working with the "Heel"

I was able to get some good photos of Mark working with Shadow on her "heeling" today. It is very hard to get "heeling" photos when you are the one training and holding the camera. I am glad today that Mark helped me out a bit. What we are trying to do here in some of these photos is to get Shadow to follow us closely. This is teaching her the "heel" command and the "come on" command. With the "heel" command you want a her to walk politely at your left side, not pulling or lagging behind. The "come on" is much more laid back. With that command we just want her to stay close to us but she does not have to remain in a "heel" position. Notice in a couple of these pictures showing Mark is turning away from Shadow. Here we are trying to get Shadow to follow him and teaching her to watch him more closely or he will "get away" from her. In the first picture of Mark's turn, Shadow is lagging behind indicating that she was not paying as much attention when he moved away from her. In the next turn, Shadow stays much closer to Mark and does not let a lot of distance come between the two of them. This is what we want. Also so notice that Mark is doing this without holding the leash. We are teaching Shadow, at this point, to follow by our body language and a light stim from the collar.