Monday, October 19, 2009

Big Mack and "Stay"

Big Mack is virtually off-leash now. He occasionally drags his leash behind him, which I use only for guidance when needed. He will "heel", "sit" ,"down", "stay", "come", and "go to place". He is learning to do this things with more consistency and distraction. Mackenzie and the goats are a big help in that area. The only problem we have with Mack is not permanent issue. He is young. Being only 4 months old, he has a short attention span, a little puppy ADD. One big advantage we do have is that he is a very smart fellow and learns quickly. Gaining better consistency and attention will come with maturity. He has matured a lot while he has been here and gained a lot of knowledge to expand on as he grows into adulthood. As with all of our clients, we will continue to support you once he comes home to you so that you can help him through his adolescent phase.