Friday, December 19, 2008

Sophie's Training


We have trained quite a number of toy breeds over the years, but by my estimate, Sophie is the smallest dog I have ever trained. She probably weighs 3 pounds soaking wet. Sophie is still very young and a little unsure of herself. After the first few days, Sophie started showing us more of her personality and she also found her voice. She gets along great with the other dogs and loves to chase Athos around the yard. It is hilarious to see this big German Shepherd playing with this tiny little Yorkie. Sophie has been learning several commands this week. She is starting to follow me on the leash, Sit, Down and go to Place. She is doing a great job with the Place command and will stay there even if I leave the room. I have done some training with Sit and Down using a table. This saves my back as well as keeps me from "hovering" over her which causes some submissive behaviors from Sophie. Sophie is a smart little dog and I look forward to seeing her progress with her training.