Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stewart's Second Video

Stewart is doing really well with his training. He is getting more consistent everyday. His automatic sit is improving and so is his stay. He is learning the "down" command and the recall.
He is also doing well with his house manners, sitting and waiting before being fed, and sitting before going in or out of the house.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Stewart's first morning of training

Pete and Tessa, as you have described, Stewart is a very intelligent puppy. He has tons of energy and just needs a constructive outlet for that energy. Many of his "problem behaviors" are typical of a young puppy. So far, we have been working on behaviors in the house and teaching Stewart to follow on a loose leash, sit, stay, and down. We have also been working with Stewart on his "place" command, which he is doing very well, even under distraction. Rudy, one of our former students, is helping out with distractions in the photos. Mara, our German Shepherd, is helping out in the video. We worked on Stewart's "counter surfing" this morning. He learned very quickly not to put his paws on the counter even when being teased by a bowl of dog food. I have also been teaching Stewart to "wait" for his food. He is not allowed to go to his bowl until I say that it is okay. So far, I am very pleased with Stewart's progress. He is a very trainable dog and I look forward to watching his progress.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Introducing Stewart owned by Yankee Pete of the Ace & TJ Show

Labrador Retriever
Male 6 months old

Owned by Yankee Pete of the Ace & TJ Show on 95.1FM

Board N Train
began on 11/25/2008

List of problems stated by owner:

Overactive and does not settle down easily
Mounts people or objects
Urinates when excited
Jumps on people
Nuisance barker/whiner in the crate
Play bites or mouths
Chews destructively on shoes
Does not come when called
Bolts through open doors
Pulls on leash
Sniffs at or eats off of the counter tops or tables
Digs in the yard

Monday, November 17, 2008

End of another training day

Amy and Keeno are finished with another training day. Keeno is seen in these pictures heeling off-leash back to the house. Keeno is also waiting at the door to be let in which is accomplishing a great deal with his high level of enthusiasm.

Sunday evening training with Keeno

Keeno is progressing very well and has the makings of a great dog. He learns rather quickly and and is performing well off-leash at this time. Keeno is now allowed to run off-leash with the other dogs and recalls back to us as needed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Keeno Learning the "Place" Command

Keeno is doing very well learning his "place" command. I was able to move about the house while he relaxed on his bed. It took him a little while to learn to relax, but after a few times of directing him, he settled down and fell sound asleep.

Keeno Starting His Training

Mark started Keeno in his training the other day. He is a very smart dog, and VERY energetic.
He is learning to walk on a loose leash, to do an automatic sit when we come to a stop He is also learning stay, down, heel and place.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Jessie and Thor Downtown

Jessie and Thor went downtown today and walked on the rail trail. They did very good although they were much more excited among the different distractions. They still listened to their commands but it took a little more persistence. When you walk them in public areas, start off by giving them several commands near the car. Get them under good control before you continue your walk into the more distracting areas. Above all, maintain calmness and confidence. Require that they obey each command you give them. If you are consistent in this, each time you take them into a public place, they will be easier to control.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obedience under Distraction

I did some distraction work with Thor and Jessie. I let Mara run around with her toy while Thor and Jessie had to follow commands. They did very well under the distraction.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thor and Jessie Off-Leash

Thor and Jessie are now training off-leash. I can put one dog in a stay or on their "place" and work with the other dog. I can also heel with both dogs at my side, although Thor will sometimes want to move to my right side because Jessie crowds my left. Nevertheless, they are both walking at my side without the constraint of leashes. They have also been around Mara and Athos, our two German Shepherds during their training. They are learning that they must do as I ask even if the other dogs are out and running around. Thor and Jessie are also sitting and waiting at the door before I let them come in the house or go outside. Overall, they are doing well with their obedience. The biggest challenge you will have when they come home is to prevent them from becoming confused by the stimulation since they are used to being on an invisible fence at home. Guiding them with body language and then additionally with the leash will help with re-enforcing your training at home.