Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hangin' Out in the House

I first want to apologize for the lack of entries in the blog. We have had such TERRIBLE internet access since our move it was virtually impossible to upload any pictures to the blog. Even after buying a wireless internet card from Cingular, our internet access was subpar. Well now I am very pleased to announce that our internet issues have been solved. We purchased an internet card from Verizon and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! WAAYYY faster than the Cingular card and even faster than our old cable broadband through Charter!!! Can you believe that???!!! Sorry, but I am so excited about having great internet access I can barely contain myself. Verizon, YOU ROCK!!! Ok, now on to the blog...

Here we are all hangin' out in the house. The boys are doing great with their "place" command. They stay on their beds even when I have to leave the room for a few minutes. This command is going to help you control their behavior inside the house.

Max cracks me up with the way he sits up! Such a character! Rocky is usually the first one to fall asleep on his "place". He just totally relaxes here.