Monday, September 29, 2008

Trevor in Training

Trevor is doing much better with his training. He still has his fear issues, but I seem to be able to control him better during his episodes. One good thing is that he is learning that his safe zone is with me instead of finding a safe zone on his on. He wants to use his crate as a safe area, but I have been working with him so that he knows he must still come to me even if it means leaving the safety of his crate and therefore teaching him that I am also a safe area.

Trevor is doing great with his Sit, Down, and Stay and is doing well with Heel and walking on a loose leash. Right now, during training, he is dragging a long line. I am able to control him using the collar now without using the guidance of the leash.

Trevor has also enjoyed playing with the dogs here, including his old buddies, Abby and Flash. I feel that the other dogs help him cope with some of his fear issues.

All in all, I am seening great improvement in Trevor's training. I hope we will continue to make progress and help him overcome some of his anxieties.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trevor Begins Training

We started Trevor's training on Monday. We took a few days to try to get him comfortable with us. He is a very insecure dog and does not warm up easily. He does better with me as the day progresses, but each time I go to get him out of his crate, he is nervous and I have to physically reach in and pull him out of his crate. He has done great with the baby so far and usually relaxes on his place beside us.

We started working with him on Monday, teaching him to follow me on a loose leash. We also have been working on sitting before coming in and out of doors, as well as down on his place.