Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gryphon Downtown

I took Gryphon to downtown Lincolnton on Tuesday. We did very well heeling on the rail trail. Several times I dropped the leash and required him to perform his commands without any leash assistance. He does get a little nervous about people walking up behind him. If he does this with you, don't play into any of his fears and continue your walk like normal. As long as you are calm and remain the pack leader, he will realize that there is nothing to get nervous or excited about. The more walks he gets out in public, the better he will become on each walk.

Gryphon Heeling

Gryphon is doing very well with heeling off leash. Here is a quick video of his heeling and recall.

Gryphon and Mara

I trained Gryphon and Mara together earlier in the week. Gryphon did well with her as a distraction. He is becoming much more responsive with his commands.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Much like the Sit-Stay, Gryphon is learning the Down-Stay very quickly. He is learning to stay in a down with distractions also. The down command is also being reinforced with his "place" command.


Gryphon has been doing well with his "sit-stay" command. He is learning to stay in that position until he is given another command. His attention span is a little shorter because he is still so young so we work on this in short sessions. He is also learning to stay in a sit along side another dog or dogs. He also does very well with his sits at the door to come in or out. He responds very quickly to the sit command.

Gryphon Playing with Pirata

Gryphon plays outside with the other dogs. He enjoys his time romping in the yard. He is getting along well with the other dogs. He has been great with our dogs as well as the dogs we get in for boarding. Not only is he learning to play with the dogs, but we also give them "timeout sessions". This is when we make them all come and lie down for a few minutes and relax, then after a time, we let them go back to playing. If they ever get to rough housing too much, they get a slight stim from the collar to learn that the play was too rough. If rough play continues, then another timeout is given. In these pictures, Gryphon is on the 30ft long line. He no longer needs this line and runs freely about the yard with no leash. All control is from his e-collar and voice commands.