Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sasha Goes Downtown

Sasha is a very quick learner and is continuing to progress nicely in her training. I took Sasha downtown yesterday. She did great heeling at my side among the many distractions. I even had a couple of comments from passers-by of how intimidating she looked walking by my side. One person even thougtht she was a police dog. It is amazing that when people see a large dog walking obediently at your side, they seem to immediately think that the dog is trained to protect. Just an interesting observation.

Bailey Learning "Place"

Bailey is doing very well in her training. She is learning to relax on a "place" when we are in the house. She even does it under distractions, such as our cat. She is a very smart little girl. She is learning to "heel, sit, down and come" as well. She is now being trained using the e-collar and only a "check cord" dragging behind her. She responds very well to the e-collar. We can now let her out and she runs and plays with the other dogs. When it is time to come in, she responds to the very light stimulation on the collar. She has a shorter attention span due to her very young age, but she is still learning quickly. We feel that she is going to be a very good dog.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sasha In Training

Sasha is learning very quickly. She has been taught to heel, come, sit, down, place, stay, and wait at the door before going in or out. She is doing very well with the collar and she understands what is being asked of her. We look forward to the coming days of her training to see her improvements.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mark and Princess Train

As you know, Princess has a lot of fear issues when it comes to being around men. We have been working very hard to help her with this. She is starting to trust Mark and develop a working relationship with him. She will definitely work for him, but getting her to genuinely like him is another story. I feel that in time, she will start to overcome her fear the more postive experiences she has around men.
Here are some pictures of Princess learning to heel at Mark's side without the being held in position with a leash. The leash, at this point, is used for safety, in case she tries to bolt away from him. She is learning to stay in the heel position with the use of the e-collar's very light stimulation.

Princess and Diego Begin Training

Princess and Diego began their training on Oct 3rd and 4th. They both are adapting very well to the collar and are learning quickly. Princess has developed a little attachment to Diego. She enjoys being around him. They have fun playing together as well as with the other dogs. Here is a picture of them practicing their new "place" command.