Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dipper waiting to Load-up

Dipper will sit and wait while I open the door of the FJ so he can load up. He has not quite learned to jump into the vehicle yet, but he will come and put his feet on the bumper to be picked up and put in the truck.

Dipper at the Park

I took Dipper to the park today. He did great among the added distractions. I was able to drop his leash and he would walk politely at my side, sit and down stay, and also greet the local children at the park. Many of them would take turns giving him commands and they enjoyed watching him perform them.

Training with Distractions

We have started adding distractions to Dipper's training. The kids in neighborhood are always willing to help out with training. Dipper is now heeling on a loose leash or with the leash completely dropped. Will will keep the leash attached for safety purposes and to ensure that all training ends positively. He is doing excellent with his stay commands, too.

Dipper Learning to Wait at the Door

Dipper has learned to wait at the door before going in or out. He is doing really well with this and is no longer trying to "force" his way outside.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Dipper is having a blast with all of our dogs. He is especially fond of Brin our new rescued pup. Dipper is a very intelligent dog with a strong desire to work for a treat.

Dipper is picking up on new commands such as "place" at an accellerated pace. We are working towards building more reliabilty to commands without the use of treats as a lure.

Dipper's Training Blog

Dipper came in for training on August 10, 2007. He is a very fun little terrier. He gets along great with all of our pack members. He is learning commands very quickly. His prior group class training has given him a good basic knowledge of the commands. Now we are transferring him to the remote training collar and he is doing very well learning the new levels of communication.