Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Abi Downtown

We took Abi for a walk downtown tonight. She did very well with all of her commands. She walked very nicely on leash and performed sit and down-stays in high distraction areas.

Abi Goes to the River

We took a hike down the rail trail to the river over the weekend. Mark, Cliff, Abi, and I enjoyed our time in the shade and by the river. Abi watched Cliff as he continuously dove into the river to retrieve the sticks that Mark had thrown for him. She performed all of her commands nicely among the different distractions. She also heeled very well without the aid of the leash.

Abi Enjoying the "Place" Command

Abi is learning to enjoy her "Place" command. She doesn't even mind sharing her "place" with Paca, the Jack Russell. Abi is also doing very well among distractions. She stayed in a down-stay while children from a birthday party gathered close by. She enjoyed her weekend with us and spent time in the front yard while Mark washed our vehicles.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Abi on a Pack Walk

Abi, Paca and I went on a pack walk today around our neighborhood. She is doing really well with her walks and is quite enjoying herself. She and Paca continue to bond and are often found lying in peaceful dreams next to one another around the house. Abi really seems to be enjoying her time here. We will be taking Abi for walks downtown this weekend. Maybe we'll see you there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Abi Meets Wren the Cat

Abi has had an issue with cats in the past and I know that you would really like to see her get along with them. The hardest part in training a dog that likes to chase cats is finding a cat that isn't afraid of dogs. Well Wren, our neighbor's cat is one of the best cats for this type of training. Abi did GREAT with him. He is not afraid of her and she was able to check him out and not chase him. When a cat runs from Abi, that may cause her to want to chase it (natural instinct). However, this is a good start in teaching her that cats are ok and she doesn't have to chase them all away.

Abi's Training Blog Begins

Abi is having lots of fun here at K9 Command. She is socializing well with the other pack members and has really bonded with Paca the Jack Russell Terrier and Cliff, Mark's retired K9. She is working well with the E-Collar and learning how the the stimulation applies to the behaviors she already knows. She is heeling well on leash and is doing sit-stays from a distance. She is also learning the "place" command.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Mack and I went downtown again today. Each trip out into public is helping his confidence. Continued socialization at home will increase his confidence and decrease his anxiety around new things. We walked around the square, down to the coffee shop, up the rail trail, over to the Fire Department and then hung out with some old friends at the office Marathon Realty and Auction. We also sat on the sidewalks and watch the cars drive by. This was good for him to see and hear the cars but realize that they were not going to hurt him each time they passed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today, Mack and I took a trip downtown. Despite the rain, we walked along the rail trail and up and down some of the sidewalks. We worked on sitting at crosswalks and waiting at the truck to load up. Mack enjoys his walks and is learning how to be calm in different situations.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Mack and I returned to the Park again today. There were only a few people there to distract him this time. He did wonderful. He heeled nicely around the track and would sit and down. We used our long "check cord" for training. This cord is used when the dog is near completion in his off-leash training. It is only for use in case the dog needs minor guidance in the command. Today he worked great on this cord never needing to be guided, but returning to position with a simple "tap" on the collar along with the verbal commands. He responds very well to the collar.
Update on Crating
Since Mack has been with us, he has been learning to rest in a crate. He was never use to this at home. He was able to roam freely throughout the house or confined to one room and this created a lot of separation anxiety issues. This also led to him scratching a hole through the wall. Well, we are very pleased to announce that Mack has taken to his crate quite nicely. In fact, he loves the new crate. He goes in there on his own most of the time. Because he has a lot of fears of new things, this crate has become a safe zone for him. However, we do not let him retreat to it when fearful of something. He must learn first to face the fear and then he can go to his safe zone.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Mack and I went to the park today. He did very well under the added distractions. Although in the beginning he was a bit nervous, he continued to walk politely at my side and sit. After a couple of laps around the park, Mack was much more relaxed. We even stopped at a park bench to sit and watch a soccer game being played. He lied there comfortably at my feet.

I am glad to see him progressing with his obedience and continuing to gain confidence in new situations. I am excited to see what the following days bring for Mack.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In only a matter of minutes we had Mack behaving quite nicely around the neighbors cat. He is intrigued by the cat but respects him and his personal space. Mack is proving to be a joy to work with and we look forward to days ahead.

Mack sitting very handsome like after an evening training session. We are progressing very nicely with Mack's obedience and are beginning off leash work. He is now walking on a loose leash and doing auto sits when ever we come to a stop. Mack remains highly distracted due to his fear of noises. We will begin training walks in town on the rail trail in the coming days.